hello and welcome to l0r3z.net! i'm L0R3Z, and this is my personal web page. it's a very early work in progress, i'll try to add things every day or so, so come back soon for more! have a lovely day
i started working on this website in early 2023 because of my passion for web development, the indieweb, neocities and personal websites. however, i very quickly let it die due to lack of time (college yknow)... but the story of l0r3z.net doesn't end here! as of end of november 2024, i decided to pick the website up again, redesign it and recode it from the ground up! i aim to make a functional and aesthetically pleasing intricate website that will be an archive of both my personal life, my interests and my projects, a centralized hub of what i like, what i do and who i am.
website's guidelines:
> it's an early WIP, sorry if there's not much content yet! i shall update it often or may i be punished... anyway, hit control CTRL+F5 if something looks off!
> should be responsive and work on mobile as well! still, it was initially made for and best viewed on a 1920x1080p monitor
> no nsfw or explicit content here! i'm 23 tho, so the website is made for an adult audience
> designed and developed for Chromium browsers... i'll try to make it work and look as good on Firefox as much as possible!
> uses javascript for cool stuff like the weird freaky cat on the splash page...
> hosted by miamo, thank you so much my dear friend!! you can check his work at miamoalex.net
~ last updated on 25.jan.25 ~
a big trip around Japan with friends! we're going to visit Hakodate, Sapporo, Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo!
working on...
hopefully this website when i come back!!
Severance S2 (amazing show)
Everhood on my Steam Deck, Pokemon TGC
The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey to Mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition on my phone lol...
listening to...
my name is Enzo and i'm the webmaster of this little internet plaza! i'm a 23yo French "guy", soon-to-be creative engineer, currently studying computer science in Japan.
i'm completely unable to write anything substantial about myself, so here's a list of random things in a completely indefinite order:
> i love web & game development, cats, listening to music, traveling, learning new stuff and iced matcha lattes (quoted from my Github bio lol)
> i'm also very passionate about the independent web and the resurgence of personal websites!
> i love art! art is so cool! yipee!
> i have an extremely feeble attention. i went to check how "yipee" was written, completely forgot what i was doing initially and lost 30min surfing the internet...
> I usually don't use capital letters to start sentences
> my pronouns are "he/him" but i don't actually care so you can call me anything
> sometimes, i think about the fact that there's a nearly infinite amount of content (video, music, games, etc.), and that i will never stop discovering new stuff i like... it makes me really euphoric!!
> i can't stop yapping about things i care about (hence this website, where i will essentially do this lol)
you've read all of this? means a lot... here's my socials as a reward hehe:
the core principles that i want to follow while making this website. those are really important to me, here or in my personal life :)
1. make value out of everyday life.
this is actually the main purpose of this website. to stop saying "my life is boring" and start realizing that it's not at all!
2. do something.
i've spent so many days doing nothing, "just chilling" but feeling awful about it at the same time, despite the fact that i have so many interests and passions and i love to create! so let's do something instead -
3. consume less, create more.
i have a lot of interests, and thus i consume a lot of media. i want to give myself more time to reflect on the things i consume, instead of drowning them in an ocean of content. if i truly enjoy something, i want to create something out of it! -
4. the process is more important than the result.
i've been drown to use AI more and more for my academic work as i study in this field, and it overlapped on my personal projects. i realized that i didn't like it at all! the thing is: i don't care about the final product, what i like is creating, so there's no point in using AI to negate the thing that i like doing! still, i'll use AI every now and then, but as a search engine, as a tool to learn, and not as something to replace my creativity. -
5. be the one who inspires.
i've been mind-blown and inspired by so many people and things in my life. this includes some personal websites. this time, i want to be the one who inspire others! thus, everything i'll make here will be open source. so you're free to take inspiration or take bits of code from my website if you need. as long as you don't copy the whole thing (and link to my website somewhere on your website... if you want...)

Listening to